Issue Position: On Abortion

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Reproduction

I support current law regarding abortion. The labels Pro Life and Pro Choice are grossly inaccurate. We are all Pro Life and the majority of us are Pro Choice. Abortion is reasonably regulated but most of us would prefer that it was a much rarer occurrence.

Ironically, those who demand a complete ban on abortion increase the number of likely abortions by opposing any discussion on prevention. They are Pro Life in word only. Those who work to reduce poverty and hunger and to provide universal access to health care, contraception and family planning are Pro Life in word and deed.

The truth is that there is little public support for a total ban on abortion and politicians and their financial backers know this. The only significant Pro Life action in the last 40 years happened when the Supreme Court granted "personhood" to corporations, not unborn babies. The Irony of this escapes those who are so blinded by anti-abortion fervor that they continue to vote against their own interests.
